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Fundraising The Circus Way®

$ 65.66 - Grimace Shake Challenge - Subscriber Donations - RMHC of Central Florida

$ 250.00 - Grimace Shake Challenge - The McFive Circus Match - RMHC of Central Florida

$ 104.23 - Donating the Hottest Toy for Christmas - Toys for Tots

$ 459.06 - Little Mama’s Disney Shopping Spree - Toys for Tots

$ 292.78 - Donating Everything Jordan Touches - Toys for Tots

$ 46.13 - Donating at Universal Studios - Toys for Tots

$ 199.11 - Squishmallow Shopping Spree - Toys for Tots

$1,416.97 - 2023 Donations!!!!!!

Grimace Shake Challenge Fundraiser (July 2023)

For every donation you  made to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Florida through The McFive Circus’ charitable YouTube campaign, on or before July 31, 2023 The McFive Circus pledged to match the donation  $1 USD for $1 USD, until the match limit of $1,000 USD total was  met.  Through your donations we were able to raise $65.66! The McFive Circus matched this donation by about 4X with $250! Together we were able to help provide meals or overnight stays at the Ronald McDonald House for those in need!

You can enjoy our Grimace Shake Challenge video here!

The McFive Circus is not a fundraising firm or official partner of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Florida or Toys for Tots, and will not receive any fees or a portion of donations raised through this campaign. Please contact the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Florida or Toys for Tots for financial reports and statements that may be available to you. We recommend checking with a tax or accounting professional for information specific to tax filing and your donations. The McFive Circus shall not be responsible for any activities in connection with your donations, including but not limited to, tax reporting.

Secretly Saying yes to It at Disney World (August 2023)

While we were at Disney World, Kellie thought it would be fun to secretly say yes to Little Mama 😮. Kellie introduced a surprise twist at the end. Little Mama was so excited to donate these Toys to Toys for Tots!

Total donation $459.06

Secretly Buying Everything Jordan Touches (September 2023)

Little Mama and Jordan were on a mission with The Paw Patrol. After the release of the collaboration video with Nickelodeon we took a trip to Target. Little Mama and Kellie decided everything Jordan touched would be donated to Toys for Tots!!

Total donation $292.78

Little Mama Reveals the Hottest Toy for 2023 (October 2023)

Little Mama from The McFive Circus unboxes Christmas 2023 hottest toy. The Cookeez Makery Baked Treatz Oven from Target. This toy was so cool Little Mama wanted to donate 3 of them to Toys for Tots

Total donation $104.23

The Ultimate Toy Shopping Spree (November 2023)

Keeping up with Donating the Circus Way, Little Mama headed to Target to do an ultimate Squishmallow shopping spree to donate to Toys for Tots.

Total donation $199.11

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